Work 1:1 With Dr. Brookins


Sometimes we need indiviualized attention, and sis, I'm here for it. There is power in askng for help and you get no points for suffering alone. Book your clarity call today.

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The Power Of Sisterhood

Community is EVERYTHING. And just what the doctor ordered. If groups are your jam, HolyGHost HomeGirls Academy 6 Week Elite is for you.

Education & Lived Experience

As a licensed mental health professional for over 12 years, and having obtained a doctoral degree in Christain psychology & general psychology, I specialize in Christian women.  I understand how our mental and emotional health directly impacts our ability to parent, be a wife, pursue our purpose and operate in Christian authority. Because of this, I have dedicated the past decade to pouring into Christian women building their courage, strength, and outlook on life.

Listen, sister, as a senior pastor’s wife, I understand firsthand, the sensitive and often complex needs of Christian believers. Trust me, Jesus does not want us to suffer.

As a Strengths-Based therapist, I utilize CBT, EMDR, and Solution Focused interventions in treatment.

As an empowerment strategist, I offer a variety of coaching packages specifically designed for the Christian woman, because the emotional, social, and spiritual health of women matters. And we matter to God.  Things I’m great at. Anger management, I’ve been gifted to take a light-hearted approach to a very serious topic. Women’s issues, stress, anxiety, self-esteem, overwhelm, and helping us women get along better with other women is what I do best— even if you believe you “get along better with the guys”. I can help you set healthy boundaries— and keep them.

Wherever you are in your Christian walk, I have a lesson, a product suite, or a strategic word specifically for you.


  • Clear the emotional clutter that stands between you and the Life God has called you to live
  • Help you make better, more thought-out decisions based on internal and external resources, rather than what your maladaptive emotions may lead you to believe
  • Set healthy boundaries. As your boundaries bestie, I’ll provide you the tools necessary to say no, when necessary, and yes, to what serves you and the call God has placed on your life – Because folks with boundaries live more abundant lives— Just ask anyone
  • Communicate more effectively to get your needs met, regardless of the relationship?