Hi, I’m Dr. Antionette Brookins licensed marriage and family therapist. I’m also a senior pastor’s wife and I specialize in Christian counseling with a special emphasis on Christian women. Growing up in the church I understand first hand, the sensitive and often complex needs of Christian believers. And as a skilled mental health professional, I also understand that our mental health matters. And, Jesus does not want us to suffer. As a Strengths-Based therapist, I utilize CBT, EMDR, and Solution Focused interventions in treatment. I also offer church and organization-based training, consultation, and workshops, for leadership and congregants, alike.
Is purpose calling but emotions, busyness and distractions throwing up serious roadblocks?
Sister! Stress and overwhelm is real, and it wrecks our relationships, mangles our communication and keeps us stuck.
As a Licensed Mental Health Professional with over 20 years experience in women’s mental health, I offer coaching tools that lead you out of the pit and into your purpose! Ready? Set. PIVOT!!